Advocate Anjali Awasthi: Anjali Returns Back to Aman and Gets Married

Advocate Anjali Awasthi: Yuvraj gets Married to Padma, Anjali Decides to Stop

Star Plus has recently launched a show titled Advocate Anjali Awasthi. The Story and the Characters are unique, the Show brings Freshness to the Screens. The Show is doing good on the TRP Charts as of now.

Ginni comes to Anjali and Begs her to get Married to Save her Marriage with Abhay to which she gets Irritated. But Ginni Emotionally Blackmails her to which Anjali agree to Marry Aman.

Kavya lashes out at Nandini for Betraying her and asks her whether she doesn’t want her to which Nandini Promises to make Kavya her Daughter In Law and asks her to Trust her.

Ginni Feels Elated

Yuvraj calls Anjali and tells her that he has gotten Married to Padma and tells her that she won’t be able to do anything about it. She decides to Stop The Marriage.

Anjali Walks Away from The Marriage after Aman asks her to do so if she doesn’t want to Marry him. Aman gets Heart Broken with her Decision.

Anjali decides to Punish all those that are involved in Hurting Padma and Comes Back to Aman. She gets Married to him while Ginni feels Elated.

What will happen next?
What will Raghav do to Anjali? Did Anjali do the Right Thing?
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