Apollena 27th January 2025 Written Update: Mahadev feels guilty

Apollena 27th January 2025 Written Update on TellyExpress.com

The episode starts with Apollena arguing with Shlok. Shlok accuses Appollena for married him forcefully. Apollena says that she isn’t dying to marry him. His father forced her to marry him. If he isn’t interested to marry her then why didn’t he stopped this wedding? No one put the gun on his head to marry her. He recalls Mahadev blackmailed him to marry her. Sarswati says to Mahadev that she can’t understand why is Mahadev chose Apollena for Shlok. He can’t see the pain on Shlok’s face. Mahadev says that his wedding is over so she has to accept Apollena as her daughter-in-law. Sarswati asks him where is his favourite daughter-in-law. Mahadev asks Shlok to bring Apollena. Shlok asks Apollena to go with him but she refuses. She stays stubborn to go to the hostel. She does want to stay in his house. Shlok carried her in his arms and take her to his house. Rupa says that she never expected Shlok will be act romantic like this. Sarswati says that he doesn’t have shame to act like this. Mahadev comments to Shlok that everyone is watching him so make her stand.

Apollena says to Mahadev that she is going. Mahadev says that he can understand she would like to meet her father. She has to understand one thing. He got the bail but the prosecutor didn’t liked it. He appealed to the judge again. He may go to the jail again. Apollena feels helpless and coperate with them to complete her grahpravesh. She takes the elders blessings. Mahadev asks Sarswati not to make her faces. She has to bless the married couples. Apollena notices her mom there. She hugs Madhu. Dadi says that she is a nom so she can’t stay angry on her for long. Apollena noticed Girdar’s shadow and goes to him. She asks him to come inside. Mahadev says that he will understand the situation when the time changes. Girdar refuses to go inside his house. He says that he doesn’t have any relationship with him. He is Apollena’s in law for Madhu. Girdar says to Mahadev that he don’t understand what will he get from this forceful marriage?

Sarswati says that he is always taunting Mahadev but he stays quiet. Mahadev says that he is his friend. He will change his mind asap. He leaves from there. Shlok leaves from there in his bike. Meanwhile, Madhu talking emotionally with Apollena. She says that she didn’t applied any mehandi or haldi on her hand. She never expected her daughter to marry like this. Apollena says that she loves to calculate maths with this hand then applying mehadi. She doesn’t like to marry Shlok. Madhu asks her why did she married Shlok then? Apollena reveals the truth to her. Madhu is shocked to hear it. Radha bring the saree for her. Apollena refuses to wear it. She taunts her. Madhu dislikes it. Apollena takes promise from her mom not to reveal this truth to Girdar. He will sacrifice his life to take her from this house. She will end this relationship once the case is over. Mahadev and Dadi are guilty for their deeds. He recalls the way he shares his problems with Dadi. She suggested him to perform Shlok and Apollena’s wedding using Girdar’s problems. Mahadev thinks that his children were hating him for this decision of him. He did like this for their good future. Meanwhile, Girdar confronts Shlok. He talks with him without respect. Girdar gets offended.

Episode end

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