Barrister Babu Weekly Update: What twist will Malika bring in the story?

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Colors TV show Barrister Babu shows the return of Anirudh’s look alike brother Batuk. Batuk’s hatred for Bonditta’s will grow up and to to even more when he looses his brother for her. Batuk planned to act like Anirudh till Bonditta gives birth to her child. Bonditta has started to grow suspicious of the Batuk’s strange behavior. Batuk plans to separate Bonditta from her sisters because he got separated from his brothers. Batuk’s girlfriend is about to return to India. Will Bonditta find out Batuk’s truth? How will Batuk take his revenge? Will Bonditta find out about Batuk’s plan?

Bonditta questioned Batuk when did he learn to play a mouth organ as he never could play before. Batuk told he learned to play mouth organ in prison from a fellow prisoner,he told this was his only companion in prison as Bonditta was not there. Batuk watched Tapur passing by and he questioned Bonditta if she is not happy with Tapur and Som’s marriage? Bonditta told she feels there is something. Batuk told Bonditta not to confuse him and say clearly if she wants Som and Tapur to marry? Bonditta says no,she is not happy from this marriage and is about to explain why but Batuk drops his mouth organ. Tapur left from there after hearing this. Batuk told Bonditta he couldn’t find his watch. Bonditta told she gave it to a Kabadiwala.

Batuk started shouting at Bonditta how could she do so without asking him. Bonditta started crying. Batuk found the kabadiwala and paid him a lot of money for the watch. Batuk told Trilochan this was Anirudh’s last gift to him. Trilochan told he understands the value of this watch but Bonditta doesn’t. Trilochan told Batuk if he keeps behaving like this Bonditta will start investigating and find out his truth and take away the kid with her. Batuk told he won’t let this happen at any cost he will whatever needs to be done to stop Bonditta from finding out about him. He told he will talk with love and take proper care of Bonditta.

Batuk told the truth to Malika and asked her to play along. Bonditta opened Malika’s locket. Bonditta said there is only one picture here. Malika said you know Batuk’s anger,we had a fight so he threw it. Batuk noticed the picture lying on ground and hides it. Batuk told Bonditta let us go from here now. Malika told she has some from Anirudh and asks Bonditta if she can steal her husband for some time? Malika told Batuk to come in her room at 11 or else she will come to Bonditta’s room.

Batuk and Malika enter the shower and romanced there. Bonditta woke up from her sleep and starts looking for Anirudh. Bonditta heard water dripping from bathroom and thinks maybe someone forgot to turn off the tap. Batuk came out of the bathroom wet and gets shocked to find Bonditta there. Malika comes out of from the bathroom and Bonditta look surprised at them. Malika says the tap was leaking and she found Anirudh there so she called him for help.

Bonditta told let us call Batuk back so that we can begin Batuk and Malika’s marriage preparation. Bonditta tells out kid will get his uncle and aunt. Batuk told Bonditta to sleep now it’s very late and we will talk about it later. Bonditta called telephone exchange and thanked them for giving her the list of calls and recording of calls. Bonditta thought now she will find out who was rejecting the cases on phone.

Bondita found Batuk checking accounts. She asked Batuk from when he’s started having interest in checking accounts, it’s Batuk who is interested in thit. She then showed the letters written by Tapur and says that Tapur didn’t write that letter to Somnath, but someone else tried to copy her writing and says that they have to find that person. Batuk recalled Trilochan’s words and holds the vomit of Bonditta. Trilochan got happy while Malika feels disgusted. Malika thought that Batuk is becoming Anirudh by acting like him.

Bondita heard the audio recording twice and recognized that it’s Anirudh’s voice and got shocked. Batuk broke Bonditta’s award. Bonditta asked Batuk why he changed, why he’s doing like this. Batuk said that he’s not husband, but Anirudh Roy Choudhary. He said that he wants she walks with him, but not ahead him. He doesn’t want she forget her family and her husband in her successful barrister career. Batuk told Bonditta she has to decide whether she wants to show her love for family or for the barrister tag. Bondita said that she can’t accept that Anirudh who can give his life for her self-respect, can bring his pride in between their relationship. Malika took her and Batuk photo and decided to tell the truth to Bondita. Bondita found something is fishy and got determined to know why Anirudh has changed.

In the next episode Bonditta prays to Durga Maa to show her way and do some miracle. As Bonditta prays to Durga Maa Anirudh starts uttering her name in unconscious state.

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