Bhagya Lakshmi: Lakshmi to go against Mr. Basu’s plan?

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Zee TV popular show Bhagya Lakshmi is attracting viewers with an interesting storyline where Lakshmi is brought to court for a case hearing has glued the audience to the screens.

As reported earlier Rishi and family pray to Lord Sriram. Neelam asks Rishi after they come from the court hearing Oberoi’s name should be at the top. Rishi promises that after this court hearing he will bring their reputation back.

Rishi and family reach tge court. The media starts asking them questions. The police bring a notorious terrorist Monish to the court house. The inspector argues with the terrorist and takes him into the court.

Neelam and Karishma talk about the terrorist. Karishma compares Lakshmi with a terrorist. Ahana and Karishma argue about it. Neelam stops them.

The police bring Lakshmi to court. While Lakshmi gets down from the van Rishi offers her hand to get down. The media starts questioning Lakshmi. Rishi defends Lakshmi from the media.

After the media leaves all the family members encourage Lakshmi to stay strong. The inspector takes Lakshmi away from them. Rishi walks by Lakshmi’s side.

In the upcoming episode, viewers going to witness Mr. Basu will tell the Judge that the food was not made by Lakshmi but the Chefs of hotel so I request you to free Lakshmi immediately. Lakshmi will say he is saying wrong, I had made that food. Malishka smiles.

Rishi will get shocked. Later Mr. Basu will vent his anger on Rishi and Lakshmi and says he knows how to win the fight and asks them to let him do what he wants to do to win the case, else hire another lawyer.

Will Lakshmi accept Lawyer suggestion? Will Lakshmi be able to get bail?
All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes.

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