Bharathi kannamma: Kannamma to find out the truth!

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Bharathi kannamma is famous Vijay tv show. This show revealing truth one by one to entertain its audience. Now serial concentrating on Kannamma to find out the truth!

In Today’s episode we see; Bharathi, He shares to Media that they planned to take heart in Chopper but Kannamma whom planned alternative plan to transfer heart when weather turns to bad. She everything planned perfectly and made this mission possible. He gives all credits to Kannamma. Bharathi adds that he showed all his pressure on her though she didn’t heed to it all and encouraged him to do this surgery. He thank her whole heart. Everyone claps for Kannamma there but Venba dislikes it. Media asks Kannamma to give her interview. Kannamma answers to their questions. Kannamma appreciates Bharathi and his efforts. Kannamma thank Bharathi and Vickram for give this opportunity to her. After her Vickram gives his interview to media. He shares to media that Kannamma is not a experienced person in this field. But she proved her talent in this short period. He says that he really feel proud of her. Sharmila appreciates Bharathi for supporting his wife and never give up her in any situation. She says to Venba that Bharathi has fake anger on Kannamma. He still loves Kannamma a lot. Sharmila teases Venba for believing Bharathi will marry her leaving that Kannamma.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Bharathi will give all credits to Kannamma for arranging alerternative plan to make this mission success. Kannamma will faint due to starving. Bharathi will scold her for not taking care of herself. Kannamma will see Lakshmi’s essay and tell everyone that Lakshmi know the truth. Venu and Soundarya will praise Lakshmi.

What will happen next? Will Bharathi get successful in the mission? When will Hema find out the truth?

Upcoming episode will answer to our all questions stay tune with our space for more updates.