Today’s episode starts with Sarabjeet giving photos to Param. Meher recalls how she has exchanged the pictures and saved the day. Avtar talks with Neerja and shares with her that he is thinking whether they are doing right or not. Neerja gets adamant and says she will take Param to the London to give him the better upbringing. Here, Meher gives pictures to Bittu and he leaves. Ahead, Neerja ask Sarabjeet that she wants to talk with him.
Neerja tells to Sarabjeet that she is here to take Param’s custody and she will leave taking Param with her. Sarabjeet stands shocked. Harleen and Meher tries to interrupt but Neerja ask them to stay away from the matter. Sarab denies and says he will not let Param go anywhere. Neerja says she has an equal right on Param and asks Sarab to decide and tell if he wants to mutually say yes on her decision. Or wants to legally fight and meet her in the court. Param comes running and ask Sarabjeet to play hide and seek with him. Sarabjeet gets emotional and hugs Param. Param ask Sarabjeet not to cry. Meher gets teary too and thinks that she will not let Param get separated from Sarab.
Afterwards, Meher tells to Avtar about her father and he gets emotional knowing Meher is his late friend’s daughter. Meher ask Avtar to handle the situation, Neerja interrupts and ask Meher to follow her, as she wants to show her something.
Neerja shows to Meher and Sarabjeet that she can prove that Param is not getting good upbringing. She tells Param’s report says he is going through Vit D and E deficiency, Meher tries to explain but Neerja refuses to listen to her.
Later, Sarabjeet says to Neerja that Param will not go away from him for a second. Neerja ask Sarabjeet to meet her in the court next. (Episode Ends)
Precap: Param spends time with Neerja and Neerja tells Param about London. Param says he too wants to stay at the London, Sarabjeet and Meher stands shocked.