Today’s episode starts with Sarabjeet sees Meher tensed. Meher recalls her moments with Param and gets teary. She dreams of Param. At Check in Meher was asked to come forward. Meher gets restless. There, Preeti asks Param to open the door. Harleen comes to and asks Param to open the door, Param calls out for Meher.
Meher reads out Param’s note and cries. Preeti and Harleen come to Param and ask him not to cry. Param gets adamant and ask the duo to call Meher, as he wants to talk with her. Param sees Sarabjeet’s manager talking about sending Sarabjeet’s luggage through other flight and thinks of something. Harleen and Preeti looks for Param. Other side, Param drags Sarabjeet’s cargo inside.
Harleen, Rovi, Preeti and others searches for Param. Harleen cries. Param pops out from the cargo and cries. Meher misses Param. Sarabjeet decides to distract Meher and talks with her. The duo does the cute fight. Later, Harleen decides to check the CCTV footage.
Meher recalls her moments with Param seeing a lady out there feeding food to her baby. Sarabjeet sees Meher and gives her the water. Meher asks Sarabjeet to call Harleen. Harleen sees Param hiding himself in the cargo and calls the driver and ask him to check the bag.
Kulwant talks with Amrita about Param and Meher. Meher worries for Param. Param enters the airport. He cries and announces and says to Meher and Sarabjeet that they cheated him and fooled him. He asks the duo not to go without him. Sarabjeet wonders how Param reached airport. Meher ask Sarabjeet if they can take Param too with them. (Episode Ends)
Next Week: Meher and Sarabjeet Serbia special.