Choti Sardarni Written Update 21st November 2019: Bittu and Jeeto’s shocking decision

Today’s episode begins with KulwantKaur cutting cake on Meher’sbirthday. Everyone celebrate her birthday at home with her photo and Yuvi asks  Kulwantto feed him cake. Kulwant says it’s the first time they are celebratingMeher’s birthday without her. She asks Jagga to call Meher and he says her phone is not reachable. They decide to leave birthday wishes.

Meher listens to all birthday wishes happily. Sarab tells Jolly he has a backache and Jolly teases with a punjabi saying what’s a honeymoon without backache. Meher looks at him and thinks everyone wished her on her birthday and he dint even know. Pam comes and flirts with Sarab. She tries talking to Param but he just stares at her upset. Jollytells Sarab and Meher to go sightseeing alone today as they are here for honeymoon. He diverts Param to go breakfast table then says Pam and him will take care of Param. They hesitate then leave. Param soon comes and search for them.

At the parking lot Meher says how can they leave Param. Sarab asks her to count from 10 to 1. By the time they said 1 Jolly comes screaming Sarab name carrying Param. They hide then laughs. Mehercalls Jolly to join them but he refuses. Sarab whispers in his ears then he agrees. Meher invites Pam too and Sarab question her. She teases saying his cheeks look so clean let her decorate it.

Kulwant and others are shocked to see Bittu and Jeetostanding in front of them Married. Kulwant shouts at him for bringing a cheap woman. She continue to yell at her and brings a knife to attack her. Bittu stops her and says she jumped into the well and if was not on time would have died. Kulwantpulls her hand and tries to throw her out of house. Bittu stops her by holding her hand. Jagga pushes Bittu and Bittu says she was responsible for all this and tell them how she sent a message from his mobile and paid someone to dress like him and made the  video to frame her. Kulwant denies.

Mehertakes Sarab and Param’s pictures in the ship and Jolly tells her to pose with them. He makes Param to join both Sarab and Meher’s hands together. Param says he need to go to washroom and Sarab takes him. Jolly tells Meher to stand near the railing in a titanic pose and he will take her picture. Meher poses facing the sea. When she turns around she is all alone in the ship. She rums around searching and is shocked when a masked man holds a gun to her head. She ask him toleave, tears rolling down her cheeks. The man removes the mask revealing Sarab as he sings Happy Birthday. Param, Jolly and Pam comes with the cake and wishes her. Meher is pleased that Param remembers her birthday. She thanks Sarab and he said it was all Param’splan. She was about to cut cake and Param asks her to make a wish. She then cuts and feeds Param. When she was about to feed Sarab, Pam too came near him with a cake. Sarab eats Meher’s cake and politely tell Pam she is the birthday girl. He too feeds her cake. Pam gives her murderous look. Param says it’s the first time Mehermumma is celebrating birthday with them. Sarab thinks its also the last time.

Precap- Meher tells Param its telling to give a returns gift to him. She opens a small bottle and rubs something on his thumb. When he put his thumb in mouth he immediately takes it off making faces. Sarab tells its his turn to give gift and takes her to a big house. He tells Param its for a friend looking at Meher.