Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 27th January 2025 Written Update: Janvi’s Godbharai.

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 27th January 2025 Written Update: on TellyExpress.com

The episode starts with Baldev learning from Deepika that she has told the truth to Chirag. Deepika tells Baldev that Chirag thinks that she has done this so that Chirag can afford the fees. Deepika tells Baldev that she will not give a second chance to Chirag and she will leave the country with Chandu.
Neelima tells Lavanya that they should not hide the truth from Chirag. Lavanya tells Neelima that they are the culprit of Chirag and Deepika and they do this for the betterment of the family. Omkar tells Neelima that they are ready to apologise to Chirag and Deepika. Neelima tells Lavanya that she will not have to apologise to anyone and Omkar decides to teach Mishka a lesson. Lavanya wants complete restrictions of Mishka in her house.
Baldev tells Deepika that his friend has a job for her because Deepika needs a passport. Baldev wants a birth certificate but Deepika didn’t have the certificate. Baldev suggests Deepika to go to a government hospital for the certificate. Deepika thanks Sawre because Chandu didn’t listen to the fact.
Lavanya, Neelima and Prithvi convince Janvi to call Deepika for her Godbharai. Janvi tells Lavanya she will not call Deepika otherwise Chirag will get angry. Prithvi tells Janvi that he wants his baby to meet all the family members.
Deepika went to the government hospital to get the birth certificate but since it’s a five year old certificate. The ward boy tells Deepika that it’s not possible to get the report online and he gives a file to Deepika to find the registration. Deepika searches the file and she learns that has twin babies. Deepika gets shocked and surprised to see the registration report. Deepika calls Shivani and Siddhant but their phones are not reachable. Janvi calls Deepika to invite her to the Godbharai ceremony but Deepika tries to refuse. Janvi tells Deepika that her mother is not her and she requests her to come on behalf of her maika. Deepika agrees to come in the Godbharai ceremony.

Ragini asks Prithvi if his baby will call her didi or not. Prithvi tells Ragini that his baby will call her didi and she will have to take care of him or her. Mishka comes in the ceremony and she calls Chirag to discuss a case but just then Chandu and Deepika come in the ceremony. Chirag gets happy to see Chandu and Ragini playing together. Mishka tells Chirag that his family members had invited Deepika and she tries to influence Chirag.

Deepika takes the blessings of the elders and Prithvi thanks his DB for coming. Chandu asks Prithvi what he used to call her mother DB. Prithvi tells Chandu that DB means Deepika Buddy so Chandu decides that Prithvi will call her CC which means Chandu Choti. Deepika asks Prithvi where his mother is. Prithvi tells Deepika that she has gone to get ready. Chandu runs and hugs Chirag. Everyone is happy to see Chirag hugging Chandu. Ragini and Chandu drag Chirag to get the toys for the new baby. Chirag tells Mishka that he will talk to her later. Lavanya tells Deepika that Chirag will not forget his own blood and soon he will accept Chandu. Mishka gets jealous and angry. Deepika tells Lavanya that she wants to talk to her in private. Lavanya takes Deepika to her room and Deepika shows her the registration certificate. Lavanya is shocked to see the report and Deepika seeks help from Lavanya.

Deepika tells Lavanya that she has got a job in Dubai and she wants the one last help from her. Lavanya thinks that she will not tell the truth to her otherwise she will take away Chandu and Ragini from her. Deepika cries for help from Lavanya because she is her mother. Lavanya tells Deepika she is ready to help her but before that they will have to complete the Godbharai ceremony.
The ceremony has been started. Ragini and Chandu bring Janvi. Lavanya starts the ceremony then she tells Muskan to bring the thali to give Neelima and Deepika. Deepika gives an old sweater to Janvi. Mishka thanks Chirag for making her part of the family. Mishka wants to do the rituals and she walks forward but Neelima stops her because she is unmarried. Deepika learns that Mishka is still unmarried.

The episode ends.

Precap- Deepika waits for Ragini’s results and Mishka tries to destroy the report.

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