Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 28th January 2025 Written Update on TellyExpress.com
The episode starts with Neelima stopping Mishka from doing the rituals because she is not married. Lavanya tells Mishka that she is just Chirag’s friend not the mother of Ragini. Mishka tells Lavanya then why Deepika does the rituals. Lavanya tells Mishka that Deepika is still Chirag’s wife, daughter of her and sister of Janvi. Deepika concludes that Mishka is not Ragini’s mother and Mishka tries to convince Lavanya that she is also like Ragini’s mother. Ragini tells Mishka that her mother’s name is Deepika and she is not her mother. Chandu tells Ragini that her mother’s name is Deepika. Everyone is shocked and surprised. Deepika asks Ragini to say the name again and Chirag gets angry. Ragini starts crying because Chirag made her cry. Chandni tells Chirag that he must not be angry with Ragini. Mishka wants to stop Ragini crying but Lavanya stops her and she goes herself to bring Ragini. Deepika wants to leave with Chandu but Omkar stops her and takes Chandu for the feeding. Neelima tells Mishka to go home and Janvi tells her pain to Prithvi.
Ragini is crying badly and Lavanya comes to console her. Chirag stops Deepika because of her he always fights with his family members. Deepika tells Chirag that she is here to meet her sister. Deepika calls Chirag a liar because he lies to her that he has been married to Mishka. Deepika reminds Chirag that he should not fight with Siddhant whether he is married to her or not. Deepika and Chirag remember the moment they spent together.
Lavanya tells Ragini that her mother’s name is Deepika and she asks her to stop crying. Lavanya tells Ragini to sit while she brings the food for her. Lavanya tells Deepika that she wants to talk to her about something. Lavanya tells Deepika that she is still Chirag’s wife and she wants her to be with her family. Lavanya tells Deepika that Chirag was not married to Mishka and he left Mishka behind with marrying her. Lavanya tells Deepika that Chirag walks away from the Mandap. Deepika tells Lavanya that no one says about Mishka’s and who is Ragini’s mother. Omkar tells Deepika that Chirag found Ragini in the temple and she was crying. Omkar tells Deepika that Ragini stops crying when Chirag takes her in his arms. Omkar gives the food to Lavanya to feed Ragini and he goes to feed Chandni.
Lavanya brings paratha and cakes for Ragini but Ragini doesn’t want to eat. Deepika tells Lavanya to eat the food and she will give her a flower bracelet. Lavanya is ready to complete the food but Ragini wants to eat the food because she wants the flower bracelet.
Prithvi tries to feel Janvi calm but Janvi is not fine because every time her happiness gets disturbed. Prithvi tells Janvi that they will do the Godbharai of her later. Janvi tells Prithvi that everyone ignores her and her baby.
Ragini is eating and Ragini kisses SM. Ragini tells Lavanya to punish her father because he is yelling at her SM. Chirag tells Deepika to let her daughter stay with him. Deepika tells Chirag that she has not taken her daughter from him. Chirag tells Deepika that Ragini will feel hurt once she knows the facts of her. Deepika tells Chirag that Ragini is close to heart because she will not stop loving her.
The episode ends.
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