Durga 30th December 2024 Written Update: The Rathod family questions Durga

Durga 30th December 2024 Written Update on TellyExpress.com

The episode starts with Vikram telling the manager that nobody has the right to sell the royal jewelry. Vikram adds that if the manager had bought the jewelry, he would have also gotten into trouble. Vikram asks the manager to share the shop’s address. The shop manager complies and provides the address. After the call, Vikram asks his family members where Durga got the jewelry. Aarthi admits that she gave the jewelry to Durga. Vikram informs the family that he received a call from the jewelry store and reveals that Durga went there to sell the royal family jewelry.

Durga questions the manager, asking why she would give the store their landline number if she had stolen the jewelry. Durga insists that the jewelry belongs to her. However, upon inspecting it, she realizes that the jewelry is indeed part of the royal family’s collection. She begins to wonder where her own jewelry could have gone.

Meanwhile, Vikram and the Rathod family discuss how Durga could have gone to the jewelry store with the royal family’s jewelry. Vikram questions Aarthi, asking if she checked the jewelry properly before handing it over to Durga. Aarthi admits that she didn’t check it but is confident she took it from Durga’s jewelry box. Panibai accuses Durga, claiming she must have stolen the royal jewelry.

Anurag arrives home and learns that the Rathod family is accusing Durga of stealing the royal jewelry. Vikram, Anubhav, and Anurag decide to go to the jewelry store.

At the jewelry store, Vikram confirms that the jewelry is indeed from the royal collection. He confronts Durga, asking where she got it. Durga says she doesn’t know. Anurag asks her to think carefully and remember if anyone had taken the jewelry to inspect it. Durga recalls that Panibai had taken the jewelry to see it. Vikram sarcastically asks Durga if she is accusing Panibai of swapping her jewelry with the royal jewelry to frame her. Durga clarifies that she isn’t accusing Panibai, as she didn’t witness anything.

The shop staff offers to call the police. Anurag objects, stating that it’s clear the jewelry ended up with Durga by mistake. Anubhav adds that everyone present can see that Durga hasn’t stolen the jewelry but has been framed, likely by Panibai. Vikram dismisses Anubhav’s claim and leaves with everyone.

Later, Indira calls Suhani and informs her that Durga tried to sell the royal family jewelry by stealing it. Indira asks Suhani to come over to learn more. Suhani agrees.

When Durga, Vikram, and the others return home, Panibai mocks Durga, calling her a thief. Durga retorts, asking Panibai if she truly thinks she’s a thief. Vikram interrupts and sarcastically says, “Yes.”

Suhani tells Durga that she could have asked her father for help, as he is the health minister. Durga firmly responds that she doesn’t need his help since she has a scholarship. Suhani comments that it would have been disastrous if Durga had gone to jail.

Aarthi asks Durga to show her the jewelry. After examining it, Aarthi asks Durga where the jewelry she gave her has gone. Durga says she didn’t check the jewelry that Aarthi gave her, but Panibai had inspected it. Panibai defends herself, claiming she put the jewelry back in front of both Durga and Aarthi.

Panibai continues to accuse Durga, and Savitri demands to know why Durga stole the royal family jewelry. Durga asks Savitri if she would believe her if she said she didn’t do it.

Episode ends.

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