By Gossips Tv : Sudhanshu Pandey, who portrayed the iconic character of Vanraj Shah in the popular Star Plus show Anupamaa, has officially announced his departure from the series. The actor, known for his powerful portrayal of the grey-shaded Vanraj, went live on Instagram to break the news, leaving fans heartbroken. Sudhanshu revealed that his last appearance on the show would be during the Raksha Bandhan episode, marking the end of his journey with Anupamaa.
Expressing his gratitude towards the fans, Sudhanshu acknowledged the immense love and support he received for his role over the past four years. He mentioned that it was a difficult decision to leave the show but assured his followers that he would soon return to the screen with new and exciting characters. Fans took to the comments section to express their sadness, with many stating that the show would not be the same without him.
One user wrote, “Vanraj Shah was such a stellar character, and you played him brilliantly. No doubt the show will not be the same without you. All the best in everything you do.” While Sudhanshu’s departure is a significant loss for the show, his fans eagerly await his next project.