‘Expressing myself is a profound passion of mine’- Astha Mittal

Astha Mittal shares her acting experience, doing theatre, how she became an actor and talks about her upcoming projects in an exclusive conversation. Check it out below

1. How has your acting and performance journey been so far?
Three decades ago, my journey as a child artist commenced, and it has undeniably been the most gratifying adventure of my existence – the role of a performer. While the platforms have evolved, my growth mentally, artistic skills and perception of life have all undergone transformations, yet the exhilaration of stepping onto a stage or a film location remains unwavering. Presently, my entry into the realm of the camera as an actor adds a fascinating new dimension; it’s a distinct yet wonderfully captivating medium that I had not encountered previously.

‘Expressing myself is a profound passion of mine’- Astha Mittal

2. What inspired you to be an actor?
Expressing myself is a profound passion of mine, and every endeavor I undertake is deeply intertwined with the art of expression in its diverse manifestations. Alongside pursuits such as painting, practicing Kathak, and writing, acting was once among these passions, but it has naturally transformed into my primary vocation over time.

3. You have recently signed a project with Netflix. Can you tell us a little more about it?

This marks my debut, and through this project, I’m gaining valuable insights into the workings of this industry. Among the various aspirational roles I envision, this particular one holds the potential to be a cherished achievement, owing to several compelling factors. However, due to confidentiality agreements, I’m restricted from delving into specifics. It releases in early 2024, giving you an opportunity to experience it firsthand.

‘Expressing myself is a profound passion of mine’- Astha Mittal

4. How is theatre acting different from acting in front of the camera lens?

Indeed, it’s a significant transition. In the realm of theatre, we thrive on elaborate expressions and eloquent dialogue delivery. We dedicate months, sometimes up to six, refining a single performance. On the other hand, the world of camera work demands adaptability, where scenes may be handed to us with just an hour’s notice, requiring us to swiftly grasp and execute them. Even during auditions, the pace is brisk, often requiring a submission on the same day. Initially, I encountered challenges since I was accustomed to the luxury of time to fully embody a character. The camera’s demands, however, allow for no such luxury.

5. How do you mentally and physically stay fit?

For the last decade, I have consistently engaged in meditation. Each morning, I dedicate an hour, which I refer to as “my hour,” to practicing yoga and meditation before I engage with my phone, savor my coffee, or interact with anyone else. This ritual sets the tone for my day.

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