Faltu 15th August 2023 Written Update on TellyExpress.com
Episode starts with the party environment and Ayaan joins the party. He shows the picture of Faltu to waiters and says she will bring many trophies for this country. In one hand, he seems very happy and contented as Faltu has listened his request, on the other hand, he is very upset regarding marriage of Faltu. If Faltu would give him a hint to stop the marriage, he would definitely bring Faltu back in his broken Iife. Being abbreviated, Ayaan imagines Faltu and he himself dance in the party and enjoy the music. Again he is turned into more dissapointment. In this party, Neel and Faltu also reach in the party to pill off the fake mask of Ayaan.
Here in the house, Brijmohon seems very tensed for the upcoming wedding storm. He asks his special survent whether he has noticed something unusual in Neel. Gyaan the servent hopes Neel would be very happy with Faltu. But Brijmohon understands Neel is interfering in the midst of Faltu and Ayaan’s relationship. Faltu wouldn’t understand the pretension of Neel, more importantly Neel wouldn’t be happy in his life ever. Here, in the party, Ayaan dances with a another girl closely which scene very much hurts Faltu. She can’t bear and returns in the home.
Returning in the home, Faltu is confronted by Brijmohon what he wants. He asks Neel why he is doing pretension in front of Faltu. But Faltu wants this drama of the marriage. She accepts Ayaan has moved on in his life, which triggers off her adamant will to act in this drama of wedding. She asks Neel to continue their acting to herself strong and fortunate. Neel brings varitites of dresses to Faltu to choose according her choice. Seeing the confusing face of Faltu, Neel chooses a beautiful lahenga behalf of Faltu. Suddenly, Neel is informed that Faltu is selected for the national team. Neel rejoices for the news, but in the excitement, Faltu runs to inform Ayaan first.
In the Mittal house, Ayaan asks Savita for a cup of strong coffee. Savit and Tanisha intrigue to take Ayaan in a long tour, so that he couldn’t join the marriage ceremony. They become ready for their tour. Tanisha also hires some goons to kidnap Ayaan in the midst of the road. The goon confirms everything is arranged. Meanwhile, Tanisha notices Faltu has called in the phone of Ayaan and receives the phone. Being offended hearing the voice of Faltu, she says Ayaan doesn’t has any interest for Faltu. Faltu informs that she had been selected for the national team. Showing no interest Tanisha cuts the phone and lies to Ayaan. Here, Faltu calls her father to inform the news of her selection in the national team. She confessed Ayaan has arranged everything for her.
Episode ends.
Precap :Faltu gets ready for the marriage. Suddenly Ayaan calls her and says he has been kidnapped by Neel.
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