Faltu 29th July 2023 Written Update: Ayaan begs pardon to Faltu

Faltu 29th July 2023 Written Update on TellyExpress.com

Episode starts between discussion in Mittal house regarding Faltu. Ayaan challanges to himself that he will bring Faltu within 7days. He also adjoins that, he will fix everything whatever he messed up. Janardhan forbids Savita to interfere in their life. He also points out that he won’t stand a word against her. After a while, Ayaan calls to the every cricket academy to fix everything but he doesn’t find any clue. Meanwhile, the arrival of Tanisha makes Ayaan offended. To cool down him, she promises that she will take care the future of Faltu. After leaving of Ayaan, Tanisha promises to herself that she will wrap up this drama within few days.

Here, recalling the words of Ayaan, Faltu cuts her finger in the time of cutting vegetable. Neel plans how he will fix the spoilt situation. Neel apologies to his Dadaji, but the way Neel stood by Faltu impresses Brijmohan. He also suggests him not to disturb her. Getting the news of Faltu, Neel runs to the kitchen to help her. Through many funny activities, Neel tries to make her smile. He offers her for a parry. But Faltu declines her offer. Meanwhile, Brijmohan arrives in the midst of their squabble. Neel requests Brijmohan to give the permission of the party. He wants to take Faltu with him. But she don’t feel going anywhere and runs to his room.

In the next day, some boys delivers some flower bouquets to Faltu which surprise Faltu very much. Seeing those bouquets she becomes puzzled. But Neel confirms that these all are sent by Ayaan. Taking those bouquets, she runs to throw them in the dustbin but suddenly Ayaan appears in the door. He apogies to her, but to make him jealous, Faltu confirms Neel that she will surely join him in the party. Here, in the Mittal house, Kingshuk, Sid, Tanisha and Sumitra discuss about the future of the relationship of Faltu and Ayaan. Kingshuk mentions about the flowers, Sid comfirms that this is a way to persuade Faltu. Tanisha becomes irritated and tensed. Sid can’t understand why Tanisha is so angry on them, why is she do opposed to both of them coming together.

To resist Ayaan, Tanisha emphatically says these activities won’t helpful to get Faltu back. Sumitra also prefers for Ayaan to move on. But Sid forbids them not to interfere. Sumitra brings another marriage connection for Ayaan. Sumitra is asked to bring the family of Savita. Kingshuk and Sid prefer to help Ayaan directly. Here, Ayaan still stands in the door after a long time. The stubbornness of Ayaan doesn’t melt heart of Faltu. She shows a fake proximity between Neel and herself. Faltu finalizes that they both will go to the party. Brijmohan begs Faltu to give some attention to Ayaan. But Ayaan wouldn’t leave the place without taking her home. Neel and Faltu go out for the party.

Episode ends.

Precap : Ayaan stubbornly stands in the road against all rain and the storms. Faltu comes to her and asks her whether he really wants to know what would make her normal. Suddenly, the thunderstorm brings them closer and Faltu hugs Ayaan.

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