Today’s episode starts with Yogi seeing photos in his mobile and thinks something. Here, Pari recalls how she met Sujoy. Yogi like always tries to scare Pari but Pari asks her when he will grow up. Yogi signals her and drags her to their special place. He shares a talk with her and asks her if she likes Sujoy or not. Pari says she don’t want talk about this. Yogi than signals her and asks her to pour her heart out to him at his school bus.
Pari refuses to share her feeling to him. She says to Yogi it is his school bus and how she can share her feelings to him. Yogi says they are one. But Pari says no they are not one. She gets angry at him and says she knows she left him but it will take a time to forget her. She gets teary. Later, Yogi hugs Pari when she tells to him that she liked Sujoy a lot.
In the morning, Yogi’s family sits together and his grandfather looks for the newpaper. His sons tells that at mall two boys were beaten and police is finding the culprit. Rani worries and her husband makes an excuse himself.
Other Side, Yogi meets Sujoy. He tries to convince his words to him but Sujoy don’t understand. Yogi somehow manages to tell Sujoy that Pari is ready to marry him. He also tells that Pari will keep him happy. Yogi gets stunned when Sijoy asks her if he loves Pari so much. Yogi than tells that they used to love Pari but didn’t able to marry her. He than tells that she sacrificed her love for his fathers sake. When Sujoy didn’t able to understand Yogi’s sign. Yogi types the message and gives to Sujoy’s sister. She reads the message and Sujoy gets shocked learning that Yogi still loves Pari. (Episode Ends)
Precap: Gunjan’s father tells her that her voice can come back. Gunjan gets happy and hugs Yogi. There, Pari asks Sujoy if he met Yogi. Sujoy says yes and told her that Yogi told him that she loves Yogi a lot.