Kaamnaa 25th July 2022 Written Update on TellyExpress.com
The episode starts with Swati coming to Manav’s House when they witness Akanksha blood vomiting. They all gets worried and helps Akanksha. Sakshi asks crying Swati to not worry as they are with her. Swati says nothing will be done and asks Sakshi to read Akanksha’s reports. Sakshi reads it and gets shocked knowing that she has stomach cancer and asks Swati not to worry as she knows a best doctor and they will definitely cure her.
Akanksha fears getting caught. Sakshi is about to the call doctor when Swati asks her to let it be as Akanksha’s doctor already told that she’s in her last stage of stomach cancer. Everyone cried for her while Akanksha thanks Swati in her mind for saving her from Sakshi find about her.
Manav meets with Niharika who’s back to work. Niharika says she finally managed to move on after Vaibhav left signing the divorce papers. She says both Holkar and Ayesha were upset with her but she doesn’t have a control of her heart. Manav asks where did Vaibhav go and says about Yadhu bringing Akanksha home and his sudden love for her.
He suspects Vaibhav to have joined hands with Akanksha in her new game. Niharika says there’s no way Vaibhav could do it as he didn’t take her 100 crore money offered to him and left signing the divorce papers. She suspected Akanksha solely responsible for it. She suggests Manav to get married to Sakshi as soon as possible to escape whatever plot Akanksha is planning.
Yadhu is crying in his room when Sakshi comes there. Yadhu says he just wanted to help Akanksha spend a few days as per her wish and apologizes Sakshi for hurting her. He breakdown in her arms and Sakshi consoles him. Malti consoles Swati who’s upset about Akanksha. She says it’s such a big pain for her to lose get daughter at such an young age.
Swati says she considered Manav her son whole heartedly and pleads her to not say the truth to Manav. She asks her to get Sakshi married to Manav before something happens to Akanksha so that she could get assured that Yadhu and Manav are in safe hands. Akanksha hears it and gets irked.
Akanksha is playing games in phone when Sakshi comes there. She pretends to be ill again. Sakshi enquires her about her health and Akanksha pretends innocent and apologizes her. She says that her wish is to see her getting married to Manav.
Sakshi says it’s not right to think about it in this condition but Akanksha says it’s her wish. She asks her to discuss with Manav about their marriage. She says that she asked Yadhu to not say the truth to anyone but he is forced to reveal when she decided to leave the house. Akanksha requests her to stay there for the night. She also says her second wish to cook food for everyone the next day.
Sakshi tries refusing considering her health but Akanksha forced her saying she wanted to line the rest of her life of her choice. Sakshi agreed and they both hug. Aka thinks that marriage preparations will take place but it will be her who would become the bride in stage. She says she knows to get what she wants in her life.
Precap : Akanksha will cook breakfast for everyone when Manav will announce that he’s going to marry Sakshi on 29th of this month. Everyone will get shocked hearing it.
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