The scene begins with Karan telling Rohit that you don’t know much about these actress she had come to inaugurate your hospital now she has become a headache and will later strangle you to death. She has trapped you using her beauty. Rohit says once you listen how she killed my innocent child…
Scene changes to some time back…
Dadiji says to Suman prepare to for her bidhai and Suman confirms. Raima says that mom will be moving out of Sippy mansion. Sona says that you will not move till the marriage is over. Rohit says Raima will be with us at Sippy mansion till marriage is over.
In Sippy home everyone is happy and Raima shifts to guest room. Dadiji says now Rohit is in peace and is proud of you. He says without Sona’s support and Raima is a blessing. They say good night and go to respective rooms. Dadiji sees Veena tensed and says Nareen feels Sona is not the right choice for Rohit due to her upbringing and class and asks dadiji how to tell him that they have arranged marriage? Sulochana arrives and says Veena that she should tell him. Dadiji says you are guest don’t interfere in family matters. I am there to handle everything.
Next morning, Suman is talking to Pulkit that Sona about wedding arrangements. Pulkit says I am going to give Sona di a Jhappi when Suman says she already left for Kutch for a dandiya event organized by an NGO. Rohit is on phone with Sona and asks why she left without telling him. The calls breaks due to poor network and Raima asks are you missing Sona. Rohit says she has went to attend some dandiya event than spending time with me.
Raima says you guys are mature adults and well established in careers and says he is overreacting. The driver gives Rohit a bag saying Sona has sent you something. Raima comes and snatches the love letter in a good way. Sona writes that “don’t be sad, only 12 hours are left and in every breath of yours I will reside. If you close your eyes you will find me near to you. I love you.” There is also a rose in the bag which Raima gives to Rohit and he is happy. Raima says how delighted you are. She says I am disappointed at you. You can’t do anything but she surprises you every time. Raima says I am going to make her the best friend. Rohit says it’s a good idea.
Tanya says on the phone to someone wedding is there next week so check the mail. Deepa arrives and asks if Rohan appreciates your work of jewellery design. She says of course. She says we woman are loyal and focused but men are different. Tanya asks why is she beating around the bush and asks her to say whatever it is directly. Deepa says Rohan is attracted to someone else. Tanya asks Deepa not to say anything about Rohan. She says that, even I used to suspect him which was very bad for my marriage and I tried real hard to change that thought process. Rohan has many female friends and I trust him 100%. Deepa says I don’t want you to get hurt but Tanya says since you are lawyer it is better you have proof.
Rohit arrives at hospital and in his cabin is Karan is sitting. Rohit asks why you are here. Karan says I will give you explanation just sit patiently.
Nareen is on the phone while Veena arrives and gives him Green Tea. He says why she is so tensed. Veena wants to talk about Sonakshi but Nareen is in a rush and walks off hurriedly.
Rohit says I should have gone to the police but Raima and Sona stopped me. Karan says I saw a note on your table and recognized that Sona has written the love letter to you. He abuses Sona saying she is a gold digger and actresses have no character. He says she killed my unborn child. As Rohit tries to slap him, he stops and says he was lying. He says she didn’t even let me touch her but I will go the media and everyone will be listening to my stories.
Rohit says everybody loves Sona and people love her. No one will believe your lies. Karan says people will believe Sona left me a struggling actor for a rich doctor. They both fight while Pulkit and nurses arrive to stop them. Karan says I came to talk and this doctor has gone crazy.
Netra mam is in the office and since Sona is on leave she asks the writer to write some lines without Sona. Sumit says don’t fret. I am there. Raima arrives and Sumit goes to Raima and says she came to say thanks to him. Netra wonders why Sumit is behaving like a gentleman. Sumit introduces Raima to everyone. Raima asks Netra mam for permission to take Sumit out for 10 minutes.
Karan yells to Pulkit to stop the crazy doctor. Pulkit asks him to get out. Karan says I will call the police. Rohit asks everyone to get out and says to Karan that I will call the police and make you rot.
Karan says I have planned all the fake pregnancy report and photos to my friend reporter and I will flash everything to the media. I will say that Parvati’s husband to be attacked Karan so that news doesn’t go out. Karan says he wants 10 crores to keep mouth shut.
Precap: Rohit arrives with a briefcase and gives to Karan and walks off as Karan’s goons hold YK and Karan shoots Rohit.