Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 4th February 2025 Written Update: Amruta’s attempt to make Virat recall his past

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 4th February 2025 Written Update on Tellyexpress.com

The episode starts with Amruta asking Bhavani where is Harsha as she doesn’t see him nowadays. Bhavani says to Amruta that Harsha is not even talking to her on the phone nowadays properly and comments on it. Amruta says to Bhavani that doctors need to give most of their time to work and says there is nothing more than that. Amruta asks Bhavani not to think too much. Bhavani agrees. Amruta packs Puran Poli in a box. Bhavani asks Amruta who is she packing this Puran Poli. Amruta says she is going to give this to her staff.

Amruta later gives Puran Poli to the delivery boy and asks the delivery boy to give this parcel to Ranvir Arora only. The delivery boy agrees and leaves from there. Amruta hopes that Virat will recall something after eating Bhavani’s Puran Poli.

The servant serves Virat the Puran Poli. Virat asks the servant what is this. The servant says the delivery boy brought the wrong order but he served him this as Virat is hungry. Virat asks the servant to call the food app and file a complaint for bringing the wrong order. The servant agrees and does it.

Amruta spots Manvi stopping her car. Amruta sees Manvi’s phone in her car. Amruta gets into Manvi’s car. Amruta sends a message to Virat from Manvi’s phone asking him to come to a warehouse.

Virat tries the Puran Poli. Virat recalls bits of his past. Virat sees Manvi’s message and he leaves from there.

Manvi comes to her car. The beggars distract Manvi. Amruta hits Manvi’s phone she gets out of the car. Amruta leaves from there. Manvi gets into the car and sees her phone screen is ruined and she gets angry and she leaves from there in he car. Amruta later gives money to the beggars and thanks them for helping her.

Harsha comes to Bhavani. Bhavani feels happy seeing Harsha has returned home after a long time. Bhavani talks to Harsha and comments on Harsha as she told him last time Virat has returned but he didn’t care about it. Harsha gets shocked hearing it and asks Bhavani about it. Bhavani asks Harsha if he didn’t listen to her the last time. Harsha says he listened to her but he was busy. Harsha later talks to Bhavani and asks Bhavani to write this house on his name and makes up a reason for it. Abhir comes to Bhavani and asks Bhavani where is Amruta. Bhavani says she should be in the office. Abhir says he is coming from the office and he didn’t find her there. Bhavani and Abhir leave to look for Amruta. Harsha seeing this thinks his plan failed if not Bhavani would have given the flat papers to him.

Virat comes to the warehouse. Amruta turns on the lights and says to Virat now she will introduce Amruta’s Virat to him. Amruta plays a video on which it is shown how Virat and Amruta met for the first time.

Virat asks Amruta why can’t she understand he is not her Virat. Virat says to Amruta he is going to punish her then she will understand he is not Virat. Amruta says to Virat he will stop himself from punishing her. Virat thinks it is no use to talk to Amruta and tries to leave. Virat sees in the video how Amruta proposed to Virat to marry her.

Manvi returns home and learns from the servant that Virat has gone after seeing her message and thinks it is done by Amruta.

Amruta says to Virat how much she loves him and says she will keep loving him even after she dies. Amruta tries to leave but Virat stops her.

Episode ends.

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