Mangal Lakshmi 7th December 2024 Written Update: Shanti’s Emotional Outburst

Mangal Lakshmi 7th December 2024 Written Update on

The episode begins with Kusum visiting Mangal. Mangal asks Kusum why she is there. Kusum replies that she overheard everything. She says she heard Mangal asking her friend for a broker’s phone number. Kusum questions Mangal about her intentions and asks who this friend is. Mangal explains that she was asking Isha for the broker’s phone number for herself, not for anyone else.

Kusum then asks Mangal if she is planning to leave the house. She pleads with Mangal not to leave, saying she cannot live in the house without her. Mangal, however, expresses her inability to watch Adit and Sowmya together. She begs Kusum to let her leave, saying she fears she might harm herself if she stays. Mangal assures Kusum that even if she leaves, their relationship will remain the same and shares her thoughts on the matter.

Meanwhile, at Jia’s birthday party, all the girls dance with blindfolded boys. Jia notices Lakshmi entering the party. She approaches Karthik, who is blindfolded, and dances with him. Once the music stops, the boys take turns guessing who their dance partner was. When it’s Karthik’s turn, everyone encourages him to guess. Karthik struggles to identify his partner, so Jia slyly writes her name on his hand. Karthik guesses Jia’s name.

Everyone praises Karthik and assumes he could guess Jia’s name because of their past relationship. One of Jia’s friends comments that Karthik and Jia were destined to be together. Lakshmi witnesses this from afar and quietly leaves the party.

Karthik asks his friends to stop joking and clarifies that he is happy with his wife, Lakshmi. He explains that he guessed Jia’s name only because she wrote it on his hand. Jia playfully says that such cheating is allowed since it’s her birthday. Later, Karthik leaves the party.

Lakshmi reflects on what happened at the party. When Karthik returns home, she asks him which party he attended. Karthik lies, saying he went to a colleague’s party. He leaves his suit on the bed and walks away. At that moment, Jia messages Karthik. Lakshmi sees the message and becomes upset. She pretends to be asleep when Karthik comes to bed. Karthik notices and feels relieved, thinking it’s better she’s asleep, as he wouldn’t know what to tell her if she asked about the party. He then goes to sleep.

The next day, Adit approaches Kusum and acknowledges how difficult it must be for her to accept the current situation. He then announces his decision, saying he cannot walk away from his responsibilities and has decided to give his name to Sowmya’s baby. He adds that he will take care of Sowmya from now on. Adit leaves after this announcement. Shanti overhears their conversation.

Later, Sowmya hears the phone ringing and tries to get up quickly to answer it. Adit stops her and reminds her to be careful as she is pregnant. Sowmya apologizes, saying it’s a habit of hers to rush like that.

Shanti reprimands Kusum for taking on the responsibility of arranging Mangal’s marriage but instead worsening her life. She blames Kusum for Sowmya’s pregnancy, pointing out that she had warned Kusum not to let Sowmya stay in the house. Adit and Sowmya arrive and ask what’s going on. Shanti scolds Adit for ruining Mangal’s life.

Mangal tries to calm Shanti down, but Shanti refuses to listen and lashes out at everyone. Feeling irritated, Sowmya asks Shanti why she doesn’t just take Mangal with her if she has a problem with her staying there. Shanti asks Mangal to come with her. Mangal refuses, saying Kusum considers her a daughter and wants her to stay. Hearing this, Shanti makes a sarcastic remark about Mangal and leaves.

Episode ends.

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