Megha Barsenge: Arjun Supports Megha in her Fight for The Baby against Talwars
Colors TV has recently launched a show Megha Barsenge that has Neil Bhatt, Neha Rana and Kinshuk Mahajan in Lead Roles. The Show is already getting good response from the Netizens.
Megha tells her that her Family Cares for her and they have done a lot for her. She says that they chose her over everything and KP Shot Manoj for her. She can’t Leave them.
Megha tells her that this is the Matter between her and her In Laws. She asks her to Leave from there to which Ranjeeta takes Surendar with her. Surendar Confronts Ranjeeta for Hiding The Truth from her.
Megha Is Determined
Navjot tells Megha that she should Abort The Baby to which she refused to do so. Navjot asks her to Leave The House or else she will Kill her Baby to which Megha tells her not to Bother her.
Megha Feels Bad as Shagun revised to Forgive her to which she decided to Fight for her Baby and also Win Back The Trust and Love of Shagun that she has Lost.
Arjun Supports Megha in her Fight for her Baby against The Talwar Family. Navjot tries to Kill her Baby to which Megha Fights against her for her Baby while Arjun gets Shocked.
What will Happen Next?
What will Megha do?
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