Mouna Raagam 2: Kadhambari feels guilty

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Vijay TV popular show “Mouna Raagam season2” starts after a break with lots of twists and turns. The new serial focuses on Sruthi feels heartbroken

In the previous episode we saw: When Sruthi was questioned about her biological father, Kadhambari and Rukmani were dumbstruck. Kadhambari shared her grief with Rukmani. She assured her that Sruthi wouldn’t misunderstand her.

Sruthi met the doctor and showed the DNA results to him. She will ask him to clarify whether Sruthi’s DNA matches Karthick. Sruthi felt shattered to learn that Karthick was not her biological father. Later, Sornam threatened her about it.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Kadhambari and Rukmani get shattered when they find Sruthi is missing. Kadhambari will accuse Karthick for it.

After a while, Karthik will inform Manohar family about Sruthi’s missing. Varun and Tharun will search for her everywhere.

What will happen next?

Will Shruthi get caught? Will Sakthi take revenge on Sruthi?

The upcoming episode will answer all our questions and stay in tune with our space for more updates