Ninaithale Inikkum: Siddharth foils Tamana’s plan.

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Ninaithale Inikkum is popular for its unique storyline. The story revolves around a girl Boomi makes bakery items and sells them on the streets. She dreams of opening a sweet shop. Ninaithale Inikkum is the passionate story of Boomi dreaming to be a businesswoman. Will Boomi make her dream real? Earlier we saw, that Siddharth distances himself from Boomi. Arunachalam planned a honeymoon trip for Siddharth and Boomi. Tamana planned to create a rift between Siddharth and Boomi. Now the viewers will see that Siddharth will save Boomi from the goons.

In the previous episode, Siddharth taught Boomi how to use the escalator. Tamana laughed at Boomi. Preeti praised Boomi as she climbed the escalator. Raghul eyed a woman at the mall. Tamana went to the trial room to show her new dress to Siddharth. Boomi presented a gift to Jagadish.

In today’s episode, Siddharth notices the musical instruments when Boomi purchases the things. He takes the mouth organ instrument and plays music. Boomi uses the same mouth organ instrument. Tamana fumes out of anger. Boomi wishes to present the mouth organ instrument to Siddharth. Tamana argues with Boomi for buying a gift for Siddharth. Tamana and Nalini plan to push the ladder towards Boomi. Siddharth foils Tamana’s plan to injure Boomi. Siddharth injures the worst. Boomi tends to Siddharth.

In the upcoming episode, As per Boomi’s wish, Siddharth will take Boomi to the beach. Boomi will be happy. Boomi will spend time on the beach when Siddharth is busy with the phone call. Some goons will disturb Boomi when she is alone. Siddharth will save Boomi from the goons. Will Boomi thank Siddharth? Will Preeti praise Siddharth? All these questions will be answered. Keep checking this space for the latest update on your favorite Tamil shows.