Ninaithale Inikkum: Tamana’s plan backfired.

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Ninaithale Inikkum is popular for its unique storyline. The story revolves around a girl Boomi making bakery items and selling them on the streets. She dreams of opening a sweet shop. Ninaithale Inikkum is the passionate story of Boomi dreaming to be a businesswoman. Will Boomi make her dream real? Earlier we saw, that Aditya and Nethra entered Innupu Illam to break the chain of Anjalal’s sweets. Siddharth distanced himself from Boomi. Siddharth and Tamana planned to travel to the USA. Siddharth refused to take Boomi with her. Now the viewers will see, that Siddharth will change his decision.

In the previous episode, Ramya planned to stop Siddharth’s trip. Siddharth panicked when the pindam offered Annalakshmi’s breaks. Siddharth suspected Boomi of hiding the passport. Nethra revealed the truth to Krishnaveni. Krishnaveni worried about Boomi. Boomi asked the family to send off Siddharth happily.

In today’s episode, A disheartened Boomi watches Siddharth leave. Siddharth thinks of the family. He is in a dilemma. Siddharth meets a family while waiting. The family comes to the airport to send the person. The family wishes to spend time with him. They urge him to change his decision. But this person behaves rudely towards the family. Siddharth notices the person when he cries. Siddharth tries to comfort the person. The person shares his woes with Siddharth. On the other hand, Krishnaveni plans to take Boomi home along with her. Tamana irks when Siddharth refuses to come with her. Tamana’s plan backfired.
Will Boomi go with Krishnaveni? Will Boomi take care of the shop? Will Boomi go along with Siddharth? Will Boomi save the family from Nethra’s conspiracy? All these questions will be answered. Keep checking the space for the latest update on your favorite Tamil shows.