Ninaithale Inikkum: The villagers visit Boomi.

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Ninaithale Inikkum is popular for its unique storyline. The story revolves around a girl Boomi makes bakery items and sells them on the streets. She dreams of opening a sweet shop. Ninaithale Inikkum is the passionate story of Boomi dreaming to be a businesswoman. Will Boomi make her dream real? Earlier we saw, Boomi leave the house when Raghvaran accused her of stealing the necklace. Boomi hid her problem from Krishnaveni. Siddharth decided to bring Boomi back. Thaiyalnayak refused to accept Siddharth. Siddharth leaned on Boomi’s shoulder. Now the viewers will see, Thaiyalanyak’s evil plan.

In the previous episode, Krishnaveni and Boomi decided to help Siddharth to win Thalaynakai’s heart. A scheming Thalaynakai ruined the food prepared for Siddharth. Boomi stopped Siddharth from eating the food. Boomi and Krishnaveni prepared food for Siddharth. But Siddharth revealed the truth to Thalaynakai and eats the spicy food.

In today’s episode, Siddharth remembers her mother Annalakshmi when Boomi applies butter to Siddharth’s lip. Siddharth learns about Annalakshmi and Krishnaveni’s friendship. He wishes to see his old house. Siddharth weeps and leans on Boomi’s shoulder when he visits his old house. Siddharth stays for a while in his old house. Siddharth bashes up Thavamani when he misbehaves with Boomi. Boomi rejoices when Siddharth calls her his wife. Later, the villagers visit Boomi and give her a pleasant surprise.

In the upcoming episode, The villagers will perform the rituals for Boomi and Siddharth. Boomi will arrange a cot for Siddharth to sleep in. Thalayanaki will argue with Boomi. Siddharth will agree to lean on the ground. Will Sivamani trouble Boomi? Will Siddharth stay in the village? How will Siddharth convince Thaiyalnakai? Will Siddharth bring Boomi home? All these questions will be answered. Keep checking this space for the latest update on your favorite Tamil shows.