Pandian Stores: Jeeva feels shattered

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Pandian Stores is a famous Vijay Tv show. This show entertains the viewers every day with a lot of twists and turns in its storyline. Moorthy and Dhanam sacrifice a lot to raise their brothers Kathir, Jeeva, and Kannan. Moorthy and his brothers were ousted from the Pandian home.

In the previous episode, Jeeva was depressed by Kannan and Moorthy’s harsh words about the car’s condition. Janardhan gave a car to Meena. Janardhan worried about Jeeva and Meena. Kannan belittled Jeeva. Meena was furious with Kannan’s harsh words. Janardhan invited Jeeva to assist him.

In today’s episode, Jeeva avoids Janardhan’s phone call. The ladies ask for a treat Aishwarya. Meena is shocked by Aishwarya’s statement. Aishwarya keeps some money from Kannan’s salary. Meena shares that Aishwarya keeping some money for their future with Jeeva.

Jeeva fails to believe it. He crosschecks with Kannan and Aishwarya about it. Jeeva feels shattered when he learns about Kannan and Kathir’s monetary management. Kannan advises Jeeva to save money for the future.

Jeeva visits Janardhan’s home. Kathir presents a gift to Mulla. Mulla is happy with Kathir’s earrings.
Jeeva feels shattered.

Will Jeeva stay in Janardhan’s home? Will Janardhan create a problem with Moorthy?

How will Moorthy’s family escape from Janardhan’s wicked ploy?

To know what is going to happen next in your favorite show Pandian stores, keep watching the serial and s stay tuned to this space for new daily updates.