Pandian Stores: Kathir argues with Moorthy

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Pandian Stores is a famous Vijay Tv show. This show entertains the viewers every day with a lot of twists and turns in its storyline. Moorthy and Dhanam sacrifice a lot to raise their brothers Kathir, Jeeva, and Kannan. Now, things take a turn. Kannan and Jeeva oust from Moorthy’s place.

In the previous episode, Aishwarya talked badly about Dhanam. Moorthy and the family asked the reason for Dhanam’s sadness.

In today’s episode, Kasthuri visits Dhanam’s home. Mulla alerts the family about Kasthuri’s visit. Kathir and Moorthy talk about their house construction work. Kasthuri informs the family about Kannan’s plans. Moorthy feels devasted when Kasthrui asks for separation from the property. Kasthuri visits Kannan and Aishwarya about it.

Kannan lashes out at Kasthrui for her harsh words. Kathir visits Kannan’s home. He talks to Kannan about the separation in this property. Kannan refuses to come home. On the other hand, Janardhan and the family spend quality time together. Kayla sings the rhyme to the family. Moorthy refuses to get Kathir’s money. Kathir argues with Moorthy.

What will Moorthy decide? Will Kannan meet Moorthy? Will Moorthy apologize to Jeeva?

Will Jeeva gift Swetha? Will Jeeva stay in Janardhan’s home?

To know what is going to happen next in your favorite show Pandian Stores, keep watching the serial and s stay tuned to this space for new daily updates.