Parineetii 4th February 2025 Written Update: Sanju proves Parvati’s innocence

Parineetii 4th February 2025 Written Update on

The episode starts with the media reporters are covering Parvati’s news. Sanju asks them if it’s a live? She nodded to him. Sanju says to them that the inspector arrested his wife for tried to kill his mom. He is thinking that the inspector isn’t investigating this case is right. He arrested his wife with a half evidence without an proper investigation. The inspector asks him if he has the evidence to prove her as innocent. He says that he has the evidence to prove it. He brings Bavya there. He makes him clear about the timing of Parvati went to the first floor which was in the CCTV footage as an evidence. Sanju asks Bhavya to say what was she doing with Parvati at that time. Bavya says that she called her to correct her dress. She asks her to do her makeup. Parvati helped her to get ready beautiful. She even corrected the timing of her watch.

The inspector asks Sanju how could he trust this child testimony? Sanju says that he isn’t asking him to trust her blindly. He shows the CCTV footage timing and the photo timing Parvati took with Bavya is matching. It’s clearly saying that Parvati was with Bavya at that time. She didn’t even went to the terrace. He can match the timing of her entry to the hall when Gurinder fell down. He has an another evidence to prove it. He asks him to accompany to his house. He find out an another angle of CCTV footage. He can confirm that Parvati is innocent by watching it. He refuses to go with him. Sanju says that he will bring it. Parvati thanked Bavya for helped her. She praised Parvati as a good person. The prisoner says to Parvati that Sanju isn’t a betrayer. He loves her a lot. He didn’t give a fake promise to her. He fulfilled his promise today. She asks her not to leave him and keep him close with her. She has to trust him. Sanju calls Monty to give the CCTV footage to him. Monty assures him.

Sanju shows the CCTV footage to the inspector. He believes that Parvati is innocent. He released her. The prisoner asks her to believe Sanju isn’t a bad person. He will do anything for her. He won’t betray her. Parvati stares Sanju emotional. Bebe says to Neeti that she didn’t expected that he is intelligent. Neeti says that she knew he is intelligent but she never thought that he will go to this extreme to prove her innocence like this. Neeti pretends like happy for Parvati’s release. Parvati pushes her away. She asks the inspector to find the culprit asap. He accompanied them to Sanju’s house to check the CCTV footage. Bebe and Neeti are nervous. Neeti says that she has to create a story to escape from Parvati. Sanju will hate her when the truth comes out. Meanwhile, Ambika thanked Sanju for helped Parvati but she don’t trust him. He says that she is also believing the words instead of action. The inspector says that Gurpreet is the real culprit. Parvati is shocked.

Episode end

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