Ram Bhavan 29th January 2025 Written Update: Om seeks his revenge on Gayatri.

Ram Bhavan 29th January 2025 Written Update on TellyExpress.com

Episode starts with a girl named Isha arriving in her car and distributing some gifts to a group of kids and wishing them all the best for their exams. She then visits the Ganpati Mandir to offer her prayer. She asks Ganpati ji to keep her father calm today since she wants to talk about job to him after the school convocation. A bride expresses her grief for the rotten coconut of her offering thali. The girl says their baskets got exchanged and gives her basket to the woman. She is blessed by Panditji for having such a clear and good heart. An elderly man is seen orating Ram Path to a group of kids. Suddenly the clock rings and he disperses the kids and starts hurrying up. He and his wife seem tense about their daughter in law who keeps getting annoyed very often. The man hurries up and makes his granddaughter ready for school while his wife hurriedly prepares the perfect breakfast for her daughter in law since she is on diet.

The daughter in law named Gaytri seems to be very classy and stylish and wants everything perfect. She gets ready and comes down the stairs. She sees that her father in law is back with her daughter. She gets angry realising they missed the bus again. She throws a blouse over her father in law’s face and says if this is the way one irons a blouse. The man says he ironed a designer blouse for the first time so he will do it again and sit for ironing. Jagdish comes down the stairs and asks if everything’s okay. His mother says everything is okay. Gayatri badly insults everyone in the house saying she is the one who pays the bills for the entire house so they must do this much for her.

Another character enters named Om who seems to be an IT officer. He enters a big house with his huge team and starts searching for black money in the house since he is on a raid. He gets a call from his sister who narrates what happened at home today. Hearing this Om gets furious and breaks two flower vases. He says that Gayatri has to bear the consequences of this act for sure. His assistant brings a bag containing 3.5lacs and says he found it hidden inside. He gives warning to the woman and asks her to tell his name to Virendar who will be contesting elections to play safe next time or else he won’t be left in a condition to contest the elections. He leaves a bill of the same amount and leaves with the money. After coming back home, the minister calls Om and asks how dare he enter his house as a fake income tax officer and take away his money. He says he took 1.5lac from him in the name of giving him a job but he took much more money from him so asks why that is. Om says this is his revenge with interest.

Om reaches Gayatri’s hotel and misbehaves with the staff there and asks them to call their GM to meet him. Isha was calmly handling the situation and bearing the misbehaviour of Om and his group. After Gayatri arrives there she asks Isha to go and prepare for the convocation and says she will take it from here. He seeks revenge from Gayatri for insulting his father and insults her badly in front of her entire staff and leaves.

Episode ends.

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