By Anil Merani: Rohit Purohit, who recently joined the cast of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, is an unsung actor in the world of Indian TV. Despite being in the industry for years and having worked on shows like Shaurya Aur Suhani, Razia Sultan, Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji, and Udaariyan, the 37-year-old actor has yet to achieve the level of recognition he deserves.
I still remember his impressive acting and dialogue delivery skills from his role in Porus. Interestingly, Rohit, who last played a negative character in the Sony TV show Dhadkan Zindaggi Kii, has proven that actors don’t have to get typecast if they have the required acting skills. However, fate may play a role in their success.
Unlike some other actors, Rohit prefers to let his work speak for itself and does not court controversy. But interestingly, he recently caused a stir when he went on record about the existence of a “no affair” clause on the set of Yeh Rishta, which left producer Rajan Shahi having to do some damage control.
Ironically, even now, Rohit’s acting is not the focus of conversation when it comes to Yeh Rishta. Instead, people are talking about Shehzada Dhami’s exit, whom Rohit replaced. Apparently, the production house asked Dhami to leave due to alleged unprofessionalism.
However, this chatter will soon die out, and the onus will be on Rohit to prove his worth as a lead actor on the show. He will have to work hard to match the acting prowess of earlier Yeh Rishta leads, such as Harshad Chopda and Moshin Khan. Furthermore, this time around, the task will be even more challenging as the show’s popularity is waning, and loyal fans are starting to lose interest.