Shaadi Mubarak 17th November 2020 Written Update: KT shows his care towards preeti

Shaadi Mubarak 17th November 2020 Written Update on

Episode starts with KT and Preeti getting shocked seeing KT’s photo in Arjun’s wallet while AT ask them not to get shocked as he is a huge fan of KT and have several pictures of him, Preeti ask that how he have seen KT’s films as he must haven’t born at that time moreover KT’s films aren’t available easily, to which AT says that his mother is also a huge fan of KT and she only made him watch all KT’s movies, Keertan smiles hearing this and says he is eager to meet Arjun’s mother. Preeti and KT takes their leave while AT goes towards a lady addressing her as mother and ask if he have done everything correctly? To which she says that he will be perfect when he will unite her with his father while he hugs her saying that will be the happiest day of his life.

Sheena orders khichri for preeti as she forgot to bring her lunch, kt sees this and remembers that outside food doesn’t suit Preeti, he stopped sheena and transferred his lunch to other box and ask sheena to give it to Preeti without telling her that he have given it, while sheena blurted out that she thought there is fight going on in between Preeti and KT, to which KT replies that their relation is not that weak to get broken by a mere misunderstanding. Preeti eats her lunch appreciating it while Juhi calls her and informs that kusum Haven’t eaten anything, to which Preeti says that kusum is strong and can look after herself, she further advice Juhi to never release her anger on food, while KT looks at her from outside thinking how easily she have given up on shaadi mubarak!

AT keeps looking at his mother and KT’s picture while his mother ask him to arrange their marriage within 3 days orelse her 17 years will get wasted, to which AT assures her that he will do exactly what she have taught, while she hugs him with teary eyes.

Preeti sees the bill of khichri and questions Sheena but she avoids it and goes from there, while Preeti sees kt eating khichri and remembers that he doesn’t like it, she concluded that he must have exchanged her lunch with his and looks on.

Preeti wakes Kusum up and tries to talk to her but kusum totally ignores her, Preeti gets emotional and ask kusum to speak as it’s hurting her, while kusum took stand for kt and says preeti to do whatever she wants, Preeti again tries to make kusum understand her point but kusum interrupts saying Preeti have blamed everything on KT when he wasn’t at fault as all the problems was created due to low mentality of preeti’s in-laws, she continues that Preeti have thrown evrything on KT to maintain her perfect daughter-in-law’s image and further says that preeti doesn’t value true relationships , she shouts saying that Preeti have also broken their friendship by asking kusum to not take any decision about her life, while Preeti looks at kusum with teary eyes.

Preeti and KT remembers their moments (ik tara plays), while Preeti says that she have hurted KT so much and determine herself to ask sorry from him, on the other side KT calls Preeti but then cuts it saying he won’t call first, Preeti looks at her phone and murmers how to ask sorry from him? She remembers all the flashback and holds her head. Later they both gets lost in each other’s thoughts (ik tara continues)

Precap:- AT gives almond milkshake to KT while he looks at it being shock and ask who made this? To which AT replies about his mother and brings his mother in veil. Preeti says this marriage is weird and gets tensed saying how they will do it? Later kT enquires about AT and his mother from the reciptionist while AT’s mother keeps an eye on keertan and thinks to hide her identity for a while from him.

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