Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyaag Tandav 28th January 2025 Written Update on TellyExpress.com
The episode begins with Meenakshi telling Sundar to defeat her and then take Raktkamal. Sundar says he is ready for the battle. He tells her to attack him. He adds he is ready to defend himself. She tries to attack him but fails. She says today is her father’s birthday, and she wants to gift this Raktkamal as a gift to him. She adds she will take this Raktkamal after defeating Sundar. He praises her skills. He tells her to arrange any other gift for her father. He says he won’t let Meenakshi win because he has to take this Raktkamal for a kid. She tells him the winner will get Raktkamal. She asks him to attack her. He splashed water on her using Rudramala. She hides her face. Then she opens her eyes and sees Sundar holding Raktkamal. She tells him to stop. But he leaves from there with Raktkamal. She chases him.
Meanwhile, Arunasur says he has to end Lord Shiv before he finds Shivatva. Shukracharya says only Meenakshi can find and defeat Lord Shiv. He tells Arunasur that Meenakshi doesn’t know that she is Goddess Parvati’s avatar, but they know the truth, so they should take advantage of that. He asks Arunasur to demand Lord Shiv from Meenakshi as a birthday gift. Arunasur orders soldiers to find and bring Meenakshi to him.
Lord Narayan says Shiv Shakti’s heart finds each other so they need not find each other. Narad tells Lord Narayan that Shiv Shakti are ready for battle. He says none of the avatars of Adi Shakti behaved like Meenakshi. He asks what will happen next. Lord Narayan asks how he can tell the next step of Shiv Shakti’s leela. He says this leela will be fun and entertaining.
Sundar reached his Basti. He sees Meenakshi following him and runs from there. He goes to the kid and gives Raktkamal to the latter. Kid gets happy and tells thanks to Sundar. Others smile and clap. Man says he already said Sundar would never break his promise. Meenakshi comes there and sees a kid holding Raktkamal. Sundar welcomes Meenakshi. Meenakshi tells Sundar that he became her enemy, so she is going to kill him. Sundar asks her to see the kid’s smile before killing him.
Meenakshi tells him she never loses. She says she reached Raktkamal first, so it belongs to her. Kid tells Sundar that he won’t give anyone this Raktkamal. Sundar asks the kid not to worry. Meenakshi says Basti people have to face the consequences if she doesn’t get Raktkamal then. Basti people get scared hearing this, and they decide to give Raktkamal to Meenakshi. They tell Sundar to give Raktkamal to Meenakshi. Kid gives Raktkamal to Sundar. Sundar tears the Raktkamal and gives one piece to Meenakshi. He gives another piece to Kid.
Meenakshi says she won’t insult her father by giving this incomplete Raktkamal. She gives her piece, Raktkamal, to the kid. Kid tells thanks to Meenakshi. Meenakshi tells Sundar that this is the beginning of their enmity. A soldier comes there and tells Meenakshi that Arunasur wants to meet her urgently. Meenakshi tells Sundar that he will die for being her enemy. Sundar tells her she is no one to decide his death. He says Lord Shiv is truth. Meenakshi tells him Arunasur is truth and leaves from there.
Meenakshi reached her palace. She apologized to Arunasur for failing to bring Raktkamal for him. Maid gives petals of Raktkamal to Meenakshi. She says someone sent this gift for the latter. Meenakshi recalls how she fought with Sundar. She throws the flower plate. Arunasur tells her he wants something else from her as a birthday gift. She asks him what he wants. Kanchanmala hears all this.
Arunasur tells Meenakshi that he is searching for his enemy, and she has to find his enemy. Meenakshi asks him to tell the name. Arunasur reveals Lord Shiv is his enemy. Meenakshi recalls how Sundar talked about Lord Shiv. She says from today Lord Shiv is her enemy too. She promises to bring Lord Shiv in front of Arunasur. She leaves from there. Kanchanmala tells Meenakshi to not go to search for Lord Shiv. Meenakshi tells Kanchanmala she has respect for the latter, but she will go to find Lord Shiv for sure. Kanchanmala says Lord Shiv is truth, and he is everywhere. She asks how Lord Shiv can be the enemy of anyone. Meenakshi says Lord Shiv is her enemy; that’s it, and leaves from there.
Episode ends.
Precap: Sundar ties Meenakshi with a snake.
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