Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyaag Tandav 2nd February 2025 Written Update on TellyExpress.com
Episode begins with Sundar asks Meenakshi whether she doesn’t think they know each other in many births. He says he likes her. Meenakshi tells him to not forget his status. She says she doesn’t feel like him. She adds there is only one relationship between them, and that is enmity. He tells her he loves her. She tells him he became mad so he can keep screaming like this and moves from there. He tells her he will tell everyone that he loves her. He screams Sundar loves Meenakshi.
Vayu comes there and says this is impossible. He says Meenakshi belong to him only. He ties Sundar and scolds Sundar for confessing love to his future wife. He claims he and Meenakshi love each other. Meenakshi asks Vayu who told him she loves him. She says she doesn’t love Vayu. Vayu tells her to start loving him. He reveals Arunasur called him to marry Meenakshi. He tells Meenakshi that let’s go and moves towards her. But Meenakshi tells him not to try to touch her. Vayu tells her they are going to get married so he has rights on her. But Sundar opposes Vayu. Vayu says he is going to kill Sundar. Sundar tells Vayu that he is Meenakshi’s enemy so only she can kill him.
Vayu says he is a prince and Sundar is a normal forest man. Meenakshi comes in between Sundar and Vayu. She tells Vayu that Sundar is her enemy, so only she can punish Sundar. Sundar tells Vayu that the latter can kill him. He says he won’t reveal what he did for Meenakshi. Vayu asks Sundar to reveal what the latter did for Meenakshi. Sundar says Vayu looks powerful and smart. He lies; he brought a tree for Meenakshi. Vayu says he will bring a tree for Meenakshi and leaves from there.
Sundar says Vayu is really a fool. He tells Meenakshi to think about his confession. Meenakshi tells him she crossed his limits. She asks him not to dream because she won’t keep any relationship with him. Rats come there on Sundar’s behest, and they untie Sundar. Meenakshi gets shocked seeing this and leaves from there.
Narad asks Lord Narayan why Meenakshi is not understanding Sundar is not a normal person. Lord Narayan says Meenakshi blindly trusts Arunasur. He adds soon Meenakshi will understand Sundar and his truth. Ganesh says he is excited for the Shiv Shakti reunion. Nandi says they can’t live without Shiv Shakti. Lord Narayan says he also wants Shiv Shakti to return to Kailash as soon as possible.
Vayu tells Meenakshi that Sundar fooled him. Meenakshi tells him he is already a fool. He asks her where to find Sundar. She tells him to find Sundar by himself and leaves from there. Sundar recalls how Meenakshi said she mixed poison in his drink. He wonders how he is still alive. He asks the forest man who can be alive after drinking poison too. Forest man says only Shakti’s Shiv can be alive after drinking poison. Sundar goes to the shivling and asks who he is. He reveals he drank poison, but he did not die, and he did not get any treatment either.
Episode ends.
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