The audience has continuously been subjected to engaging and exciting content that brings about a variety of emotions. Star Plus has geared up to intrigue viewers with the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations titled Khushiyon Ka Sri Ganesh. Everyone eagerly anticipates Bappa’s presence during the fervent celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi. People’s energy is at its peak for these 11 days, and the devotees celebrate their favorite festival with zeal and vigor.
These celebrations on the special occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi also bring along with it good news for the audience. As we know about Star Parivaar artists being a part of these celebrations, viewers are in for one more surprise. Khushiyon Ka Sri Ganesh will be held in a unique and different way that is bound to captivate and capture the attention of the audience.
According to rumors, these festivities are going to be graced by some of the most renowned and remarkable artists from the television industry. We wonder who they could be, and now with this news, our curious hearts eagerly anticipate who these celebrities are who will add glitz and glitter to the celebrations of Ganesh Chaturthi.
It will indeed be a visual treat for the audience, leaving us enchanted, and this has peaked our excitement to know what these celebrations would be like, leaving us intrigued to know more. Just like you, we too cannot wait to experience these magical moments.
Khushiyon Ka Sri Ganesh to air from 9th September to 13th September at 6.10pm on Star Plus.