By Gossips Tv : Sudhanshu Pandey, the actor who brought the character of Vanraj Shah to life in the hit Star Plus show Anupamaa, has announced his unexpected departure, stirring a wave of controversy and speculation. The news, which Sudhanshu revealed during a live Instagram session, has left fans in shock, especially as his portrayal of the complex, grey-shaded Vanraj made him one of the show’s most memorable figures. His final appearance is set to air during the upcoming Raksha Bandhan episode, marking the end of his four-year journey with the series.
In his announcement, Sudhanshu expressed heartfelt gratitude towards his fans for their unwavering support, acknowledging the difficulty of his decision to leave. While assuring viewers that he would soon return to television with new roles, fans flooded the comments with sadness and disbelief, stating that Anupamaa would not be the same without him.
However, his departure has also ignited rumors of behind-the-scenes tensions. Reports suggest that disagreements between Sudhanshu and the show’s producer, Rajan Shahi, over the direction of the storyline and character development may have played a role in his exit.
The two reportedly unfollowed each other on social media, further fueling speculation. Additionally, rumors have emerged linking Sudhanshu’s exit to alleged conflicts with co-star Rupali Ganguly, though no official statements have been made by either party.
Adding to the intrigue, there are reports that Sudhanshu may soon be joining a musical band post his exit. As fans await further details, the true reasons behind his departure remain shrouded in mystery, leaving netizens buzzing with curiosity.