Vasudha 1st February 2025 Written Update On Tellyexpress.com
The episode begins with Prabhat telling Chandrika that they will miss Vasudha once Vasudha leaves after the marriage. Chandrika tells Prabhat that women are bound to leave the house after marriage. She says both Hanumant and Madhav are working for them, so Vasudha will keep coming.
Karishma is about to fall down, but Madhav saves her. Avinash taunts Karishma. Karishma tells Avinash that she thought they would spend time with each other, but nothing has happened like that till now. She says, Let’s go out tonight. Avinash tells her he has an important meeting and leaves from there with Madhav.
Madhav asks Avinash about the meeting. Avinash replies he lied about meeting. Madhav says he wants to ask a personal question if Avinash won’t have any problem then. Avinash gives permission to Madhav. Madhav says Avinash’s and Karishma’s marriage is going to happen, so they should spend time with each other. Avinash tells Madhav that none should be visible in front of the life partner. He recalls how he met the mystery girl. Madhav recalls how he met Vasudha. Avinash says he doesn’t feel anything when Karishma is with him, so how can he spend time with Karishma? He adds he wants katori. Madhav asks whether Avinash is hungry. Avinash says not everyone is lucky like Madhav. He asks Madhav to keep Vasudha happy always. Madhav promises to keep Vasudha happy and leaves from there. Avinash wonders what Katori must be doing now.
Meanwhile, the mystery girl recalls Avinash’s advice. She thinks Avinash did not call her recently. She wonders whether Avinash is angry at her. She asks herself why she is waiting for his call. She picks up her father’s call and talks to him.
Karishma goes to Chandrika and Prabhat. Prabhat asks Karishma whether she settled there. Karishma says it’s her house, so she will take care of it like her house. She tells Chandrika that she saw a few plants were spoiled. Chandrika says seems like gardener did not notice that. Karishma tells Chandrika that she will take care of it. Chandrika appreciates Karishma. Karishma leaves from there.
Raghu takes Vasudha to the garden. Vasudha gets sad seeing her plant get destroyed. She cries. Karishma comes there and says Vasudha is doing drama. Raghu says he knows Karishma is behind it. He asks Karishma why she did this. He adds Karishma is a really bad person. Karishma says she won’t give an answer to servants. She slaps Raghu and scolds him.
Vasudha asks Karishma why the latter slapped Raghu. Karishma refuses to give an answer. Vasudha asks how Karishma can slap a kid. She says she won’t tolerate Raghu’s insult. Karishma says she will throw Vasudha out of the house. Vasudha says she knows her limits, and Karishma should know her limits too. Chandrika comes there and hears this. She scolds Vasudha for talking like this with Karishma. She says Karishma can do whatever she wants. Karishma tells Chandrika that let’s leave it.
After some time, Hanumant scolds Vasudha for arguing with Karishma. Avinash comes there. Hanumant apologizes to Avinash on behalf of Vasudha.
The next day, Chandrika asks about her coffee. Savitri tells Chandrika that Vasudha was making coffee till now, so today Puja made coffee. She gives coffee to Chandrika. Chandrika scolds for not making tasty coffee.
Avinash tells Devansh that Vasudha is on leave. Devansh notices Vasudha’s plant is missing. He tells Avinash that he should go to Vasudha. Savitri tells Devansh that he can’t go out of the room, else Chandrika will scold them.
Episode ends.
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