Vasudha 2nd February 2025 Written Update On Tellyexpress.com
Episode begins with Sarika tells Karishma that she made Chandrika scold Vasudha. Karishma tells Sarika how she destroyed Vasudha’s plant and slapped Raghu. She says even today Chandrika yelled at Vasudha. She adds she doesn’t think Vasudha will return to work. Sarika says they should be happy they got rid of Vasudha. Karishma says Vasudha should not have played with her ego.
On the other hand, Savitri recalls the moments she spent with Vasudha. She is about to mix sugar in the food instead of salt. But Maid Puja stops Savitri. Savitri says she is not understanding anything without Vasudha. Puja asks whether Vasudha won’t return ever. Savitri says she doesn’t know.
Vasudha apologizes to her plant. Savitri and other maids come there. Savitri tells Vasudha that Chandrika gives respect and love to them, so she has the right to scold them too. She asks Vasudha to not think much and come to work. Puja tells Vasudha that they miss the latter. Vasudha tells them she is glad they think about her so much, but she won’t return to work. She says she is going to get married soon, so it’s fine to leave the job now. Savitri asks Vasudha to work until the marriage for their sake. Vasudha refuses. She asks them to understand her. She says they supported her always, but she won’t change her decision and goes inside.
After some time, Vasudha recalls Chandrika’s words. Hanumant asks Vasudha why she is not eating. Vasudha replies she ate in the evening, so she is not hungry. Raghu and Hanumant realize food is not good. Gulki thinks she prefers to eat poison than this. Raghu and Hanumant ask whether ingredients are not in the house. Vasudha asks them whether the food is not good. She tastes the food and says she will make something else. She thinks she can’t make others suffer due to her sadness.
Meanwhile, Avinash says he can’t eat this tasteless food, so he will order something else. Chandrika scolds Avinash for getting up. She says Avinash can’t insult the food like this. She tells him he used to eat before Vasudha’s cooking. Avinash tells her they don’t respect Vasudha’s hard work. Mayur tells Avinash not to talk like this. Devansh tells Avinash to finish the food. Avinash finishes the food and leaves from there.
Later, Devansh goes to Avinash. He says today Savitri cooked food, and they can’t insult Savitri. Avinash says he is sure even Chandrika did not like the food. He picks up the mystery girl’s call and yells at her. Mystery girl wonders what happened to Avinash. Devansh thinks Vasudha did nothing wrong. Avinash realizes he yelled at the mystery girl and calls her. He apologizes to her. Raghu tells Vasudha that he knows she did not eat food.
The next day, Prabhat asks Chandrika why she is tense. Chandrika tells Prabhat that she is worried about Devansh’s leg. He asks her not t worry. The doctor comes there and examines Devansh. Vasudha sees the doctor and gets worried about Devansh. The doctor asks who applied ayurvedic paste on Devansh’s leg.
Episode ends.
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