Episode begins with Rudraksh is sitting in his room and he is coughing. He is again remembering his elder brother Rajiv and things if he is here then he will take care of his health and now no one is here to take care of him. Balraj comes inside his room and asks him to take some rest and have some medicine as he has a recording scheduled for next morning and he already took money for that. Rudraksh feels bad in this house to take care of him just like his brother Rajiv.
Saransh hears the scolding of Balraj and he went back to bring something for Rudraksh. He comes back with a mug full of lukewarm water and asks Rudraksh to have it. He is not ready for this application but win Saransh offered him this he becomes very emotional and finally he took some sips from the lukewarm water. Saransh asked him to come with him and sleep on the bed but he is not ready for that.
Saransh says to Rudraksh that he is not doing well and to be fine he has to take some rest and have a proper sleep. Rudraksh sees there is no point in arguing with him hence he finally closes his eyes to try for sleep. Saransh sits beside him and applied balm on his forehead and chest areas so that he can get some relief from the cold. He says to Rudraksh that when I used to suffer from cold and fever my grandmother is to take care of me like this only.
An emotional Rudraksh is listening to him and somehow it is reminding him of his elder brother and how he used to take care of him whenever he falls ill. Rudraksh finally falls asleep and Saransh thinks if he can sleep like that then how will I sleep at night because without holding the hand of anybody I don’t get to sleep at night. Saransh also sleeps besides Rudraksh in the night.
In the morning, Rudraksha gets up to find sans besides him and his leg is on his face. Saransh says to him that he is taking care of him and in that process he falls asleep without his own notice. Suddenly he started to ask for Preesha and said you told me that she will come last night only but she didn’t come here please call her and ask, where is she? Rudraksh says to Saransh rudely that his mother will never come to him ever.
An angry Saransh decided to teach a lesson to Rudraksh. in the morning Rudraksh gets up from his sleep and as soon as he slipped his feets inside his slipper. It seems to be like a slime is attached with the slippers and that is causing him irritation. He went up to his bathroom and get shocked to see that his face is also coloured with black and that colour is also there in his hands. He understands that all these are done by Saransh only. Saransh faced Rudraksha that if he doesn’t bring her mother back then he will annoy him like this.
Vasudha and GPS come to meet Preesha who says to them that they better don’t come tomorrow while she is getting hanged. Saransh gets to know from a house stuff that Rudraksh is getting married to another woman and he goes to him to demand answers for this. Rudraksh says to him if you open his mouth in front of anybody about he has been married to Prashant then he will never let her come back home.
Precap – Preesha is getting hanged while Rudraksh and Mishka are getting married.