Ram Bhavan 30th January 2025 Written Update: Another chaos at Ram Bhavan.

Ram Bhavan 30th January 2025 Written Update on TellyExpress.com

Episode starts with Isha’s sister Mili making a blog outside the auditorium regarding her convocation. Isha’s father and Anjali arrive in a hurry and apologise to her for being late. Isha arrives and meets them saying they are perfectly on time and leaves after giving them the cards. The convocation starts and all the guests are greeted by the RTP management team. Gayatri takes the stage and gives her speech. Suddenly the light goes off but since it takes some time to put on the generator, Isha executes her plan B and the entire auditorium is lit by a group of students all over the auditorium. After a few minutes, the light comes back. Gayatri announces the name of the best student and gives out her award. Isha takes the stage and thanks the entire credit for the award to his father.

Om comes back home drunk and enters his room from the balcony. He is asked by his sister to freshen up and come down asap. After the convocation ceremony Isha is met by Gayatri and told that she is good at acknowledging talent and gives her an offer letter offering her the post of assistant manager at the Lotus Hotel. As Isha’s father comes near them. Gayatri tells Isha’s father that not many get this golden opportunity of being the assistant manager at the Grand Lotus Hotel. He tells Gayatri that his daughter will never work under anyone. He says that there are two kinds of success on this earth. Some people succeed to become servants and some to rule over others and her daughter is for the second type. He shouts at the top of his voice and insults Gayatri and finally tears off the offer letter. Isha apologises to Gayatri on behalf of his father. Isha is gifted a new car by his father and drives them back home in it.

Gayatri comes back home from the office being extremely pissed off from the insults of the entire day. Om is asked by his mother if he is okay or not since according to him he was inside his room all day and didn’t step out at all. She feeds him with love while Gayatri enters the house and puts more food on his plate saying give him more so that he can do justice to the free money that all of them are parasitic on her. Om remains quiet while his father asks Gaytri what’s the matter. She says Om visited her hotel with his disgusting set of friends and was drinking there. Not just that he insulted her infront of everyone over there. She asks if he doesn’t have the capacity to earn one rupee but is spending so much money. Gayatri’s husband asks Om what was the need to visit Gayatri’s hotel only. Om says he is the ruler of his own will and does whatever he wants. He tells Gaytri that she isn’t any income tax officer and that he will answer her.

Om is asked to keep shut by his brother saying he won’t tolerate the insult of his wife. Om says he can’t tolerate this but where was all of this anger when his wife threw a blouse over his father’s face. He asks how his self respect was at that time. Om tells Gayatri that he knows everything about how she is conspiring against them with that lawyer of hers and has a meeting with her the next day, shocking her .

Episode ends.

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