Saltanat to reveal the truth to Hamza in Star Bharat show Sufiyana Pyaar Mera

Star Bharat show Sufiyana Pyaar Mera is going towards a love triangle where two cousin sisters are seeing the same guy at a same time. Kainaat who is a look-a-like of Saltanat and her cousin sister is someone who lives her life on basis of elders whims. She doesn’t voice out her opinion even if she doesn’t want to listen to them. Whereas Saltanat lives her life on her own beliefs and takes no nonsense at all. When Miyajaan brought Zaroon alliance for Kainaat, she started to love him without knowing whether he loves her at all or not. Soon after his rejection her liking and eagerness towards him grow stronger. She is not ready to take his decline for her and hopes to have him in her life. The regular audience of the show can see the obsession Kainaat is nurturing in herself regarding Zaroon and how this emotion is growing so stronger in her that she is doing some unusual things in the house.

Saltanat to reveal the truth to Hamza in Star Bharat show Sufiyana Pyaar Mera
In the last couple of episode, we have seen Kainaat like a silent killer emotionally blackmailing Saltanat knowing very well that she will be affected with all these. Saltanat, on the other hand, made her mind to get Zaroon married to Kainaat even if he doesn’t want to. Yesterday in a feat of rage
Kainaat put the bridal dress of her on fire which leads to a massive accident. Though Saltanat lied
about the reality to people in order to save her sister in tonight episode Kainaat involvement in
the incident is going to come out. Saltanat will confront Hamza and tell him the truth behind
yesterday incident so that he can call off the engagement. Here Kainaat will be in the verge of getting
arrested and going to jail when Zaroon will come forward in her defense.

Well, what fantasy this step of Zaroon will bring in Kainaat’s mind? To know more update about your favorite keeps an eye in this space.